Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Topic 1 : Contextual Clues - Presentations 1

This topic was quite fun for us.
It teaches us how and the right way to really read and understand sentences.
We can really use it in our everyday life, such as reading the newspaper, novel, and etc.
Its like you don't have to worry if you don't understand the difficult word in a sentences,because there always clues.
Clues that author usually put if there are difficult word being used in a sentence. Before if there are difficult word we students usually just turn the page in our dictionary to get the meaning, ignore the word or meaning or worst, give up reading. That we would just go the next part of the text and hopefully the next text or sentences would give us the slight idea on understanding the last part. But that was before we know how to use 'contextual clues'. just try it, give it more practice, you will feel the differences. :)

Try this for an example that we use in our presentation that day :-

"He was so parsimonious that he refused to give his own sons the few pennies they needed to buy pencils for school. It truly hurt him to part with his money."

right, from this sentences, the difficult word must be, parsimonious. if u really read the whole sentences, you might find a clue there.

1. 'refused to give'
2. even with his own son??
3. pennies = money(not a lot)
4. and it truly hurt him to part with his money...

there, by then you may find out that this man in the sentences is really STINGY.right? That's just it, the word parsimonious means stingy.

So, by this you may know that there are clues in a sentence that need to be closely read. Its like being a detective..huh?hehe

Finally, we had fun in this class, there are no troubles on finishing and presenting the topic. Although Shakhir and Suhaili is new to the group, but we all did our part together.

Thank you for reading,


Rainbow Group.